Terms of Service - Pharmacy2Home

Welcome to Our Terms of Service

Welcome to Pharmacy2Home, your dedicated source for pharmaceutical information, health supplements, and medication management. Our Terms of Service govern the use of our website pharmacy2home.su, and outline the legal responsibilities and rights both for you, the user, and us, the service provider. By accessing or using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms. Your agreement signifies that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms in their entirety.

Acceptance of Terms

When you use Pharmacy2Home, you affirm that you are of legal age to enter into a binding contract and are not prohibited from utilizing the services under the laws of your jurisdiction. Utilizing this platform indicates your unconditional acceptance of these detailed terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you should discontinue use of the website immediately.

User Conduct and Obligations

As a user of Pharmacy2Home, you will ensure that all personal information provided is accurate, current, and complete. You are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of account information, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account. Users are prohibited from engaging in activities that are harmful, unlawful, or infringe on the rights of others. Misuse or unauthorized use of the website is strictly prohibited and may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content, organization, graphics, design, and other matters related to our site are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights. Copying, distributing, modifying, or creating derivative works of any material found on this site for any commercial purpose without express permission is explicitly forbidden. All trademarks and logos displayed on the site belong to their respective owners and cannot be used without their permission.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Pharmacy2Home provides services on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis. We do not warrant or represent that the use of our service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or free from errors, and we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, as to the operation of the service and the information, content, or materials included.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Pharmacy2Home, its affiliates, directors, officers, agents, contractors, or licensors be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of this site.

Modifications to Terms of Service

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update or revise these Terms of Service. We advise users to periodically review these terms to stay informed of our updates. Your continued use of pharmacy2home.su after such revisions will constitute acknowledgment and acceptance of the modified terms.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding these Terms of Service or need any further information, please feel free to contact us via email. Alternatively, you may also reach out by mail at the following address: Maxwell Harrison, 107 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. We are committed to providing you with a reliable service and will make every effort to address your concerns.

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